Less than a month ago we made our first post about "The mange epidemic." We asked for your help for donations for the medicine required for it. You showed up: we immediately got we what needed and bought meds the next day. We'd like to show you how you've helped these dogs, and though their treatment is not finished, we are proud to show you what you've helped accomplish so far.
Remember "El Negro"?
After 3 weeks of treatment:


What about "Conche"?
After 2 weeks of treatment:

This is mange, and this is what it looks like.
You should be well aware of this by now. And I know we have a LOT more work to do with them. This is only the beginning. All of this was from our single large purchase we made almost a month ago. We just ran out of mange medicine a couple days ago, giving our last to the family of Conche, which is a straight-hike 20 minutes uphill to get to. I asked the vet to bring some his last visit and he forgot, but in his defense I asked for like 4 different things 😂: 2 other big orders which he did bring, and then a huge amount of equipment for a Distemper case. I even asked a volunteer to check the vets for us in Panajachel and no dice, they were out of stock. But I know Vetitlan has it, so I have to go to San Pedro hopefully tomorrow to get some more for these doggies.
So thank you!!
Because of your help we have been able to get everything we've asked for and been applying it to these dogs. We also received recent donations which will allow us to re-up and get a whole other month's supply. Thank you to all of the donators!!! You make this work possible.
Next up, the big-family of puppies with mange.

This one is a much harder job.
I was originally told there were 2 dogs at this house who were sick, turns out there are 12. Why this is so hard: such a large amount of dogs, even small ones, need to get an equal amount of medicine. The benefit of them being so small, is they don't need much. But so far we've only been able to sprinkle the food in the bowls, and let them go at it, hoping they would each get enough of the medicine. This is not the most professional way to do it, but our resources have been limited and our hands as well. I was originally doing this alone, but now I have volunteers who come with me and bring them food certain days of the week. We have to improve how well we can split the food up and portion out the meds. But with our next re-up, we'll improve our methods for this. At the least, we're getting them fed. Which as you'll see in here they desperately need.
Check out this cool video where we give them the meds:
I admit this method can be greatly improved. We should have as many separate bowls as possible, and portion it as such so each of them can get as much of the medication as possible. But as we're building the volunteer team this will be easier and easier, we may need at least 3 people to do this right at one time.
Here's a little compilation of photos of these guys as of yesterday:
It's a little disturbing, I agree.
Particularly the "turquoise streak" someone spray painted on the older black dog...this is definitely childish dog abuse. I can't sugar-coat it. But that's what we're dealing with, the family may love their dogs and want the best for them, and just down the street some kids who have not been taught to be kind to animals, will do heinous things to them like this, and often throwing rocks or using sticks. We would very much like to start animal-care education at the community center and instill in the children the idea that animals are just like us. They feel, they want, they cry, and they love. But in places like this, many have been taught cruelty perhaps even by having been treated cruelly themselves. But that's a topic for another day.
To end on a positive note, we rescued an infant!

This girl's story is a miracle. I just wrote about it on the instagram: @perros.libres which you can see here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CVYJ_GHlrXz/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
We're still looking for someone to take care of her day-by-day, because the last two nights she's slept in my bed (she cries if she's left in a box with a blanket), and that actually worked to get her to rest well. But she needs constant care with puppy milk, stimulation to use the restroom, and love and attention to keep her literally warm. This is too much for me, cause I have a big job to do here. But thankfully I think one of our volunteers is gonna take her in, while I look for someone to actually adopt her.
Thank you everyone!!!!!!!!
It's one of my favorite things to write these and share with you what we're doing! I feel very supported thanks to all you readers, likers, commenters, and especially the donators out there. Without you all, this would not be possible. Please give us a like on Facebook if you haven't: https://www.facebook.com/PerrosLibresInc/ Also, please share this post if you can. We need people to see what we're doing to grow. Our viewership has been consistent, but we need to grow if we're going to expand our care all over Tzununa.
Have a great week, and Libertad por los Perros!